Longwave Winter ESG Impact Newsletter

This Valentine's Day, we celebrate love, in all its forms. One of which is ESG, a way of viewing the world and striving to effectuate significant, quantifiable change. That begins with choices - how we live, where we invest our time and our money along with the way we engage with our community and beyond.

We want to create a seasonal impact newsletter with the mission of bringing ESG as well as other topics to life. In this issue, you'll find:

  1. Actionable ideas for your home and life from our sustainability consultant, Leola Specht.

  2. A spotlight on a non-profit that our Chief Impact Officer Jeff Scales is a passionate advocate for.

  3. A video from Hope for Ukraine sharing Longwave's support this winter.

  4. Our Director of Investment Research Brandon Wester details the impact of a fund that's widely owned by our clients.

  5. An anonymous 3 question survey for you to share what's important to you.

Green Living

While we're in peak hibernation season, there are still plenty of ways to make winter time green. Below are three easy to follow tips.

Reduce energy use: Rather than raise your home’s temperature, throw on a few layers of clothes to keep you toasty. Use the same approach at night by layering blankets, comforters, and quilts on your bed. You can also consider your home's insulation and unplug unused electronics. Mindful consumption can save both energy and money.

Shovel snow before it turns into ice: Shoveling snow early and often may help avoid salting. Some deicers, such as rock salt and calcium chloride, can pose a hazard to children, pets, and the environment. Look for safer, eco-friendly alternatives such as sand and sawdust that apply traction to icy surfaces without using harmful chemicals.

Don’t leave your car running long: While it feels good to step into a warm car after “letting it heat up” for a few minutes, this practice unnecessarily increases emissions and pollution in the air and idling is hard on the engine. Limit idling your car to no more than one minute at most. Better to just start the car and drive (with gloves, hat, and a scarf to keep you warm). Your car will warm up just a few minutes into your trip.

Non-Profit Spotlight: Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance

Jeff spent his 20's in the Southwest and it gave him a lifelong appreciation for the unique landscape. Even though he came back East, he has stayed committed to working towards the need to preserve its beauty while honoring its history. One organization that he deeply admires and supports is Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA), the only independent organization working full-time to defend America’s redrock wilderness from oil and gas development, unnecessary road construction, rampant off-road vehicle use, and other threats to Utah’s wilderness-quality lands.

Their mission is to protect the redrock for the wonder and enjoyment of all future generations, both human and non-human alike, while advocating that Tribes receive a seat at the table when others would exclude them. To find out more, visit SUWA or email Jeff.

Longwave in Action

Longwave Financial led a campaign in partnership with Hope for Ukraine to bring warm clothing and meals to Ukrainians valiantly fighting through the winter. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Because of your generosity, help and hope are on the way.

Know What You Own

Our commitment to authentic impact through wealth management is demonstrated by our methodical investment process and fund selection that gauges ESG factors across multiple impact areas. We wanted to spotlight the Calvert Equity Fund which tracks the 1000 largest companies in the US. This fund provides ESG commitment through exposure and engagement. Some impact exposure metrics we want to highlight from this fund are as follows:

·      100% lower fossil fuel reserves exposure 1

·      97% lower toxic emissions 1

·      100% lower deforestation exposure 2

·      100% lower mining exposure 2

·      100% lower prison operator exposure 2

·      71% more women exposure on boards 2

·      100% less firearm and weapon manufacturing exposure 2

·      100% less forced arbitration for sexual harassment exposure 2

The proxy voting history of the Calvert fund has been 100% in the direction of climate change initiatives as well as gender pay equality initiatives. Wondering about the impact of your portfolio or considering what impact adding funds can have? We'd be happy to explore together at your next meeting.

1: https://www.calvert.com/media/23831.pdf

2: YourStake.org Metrics; comparing CEYIX to Russel 1000 Index. For full methodology see and compliance see: https://www.yourstake.org/product-tours/esg-regulatory-compliance-solutions/overview

Investments are subject to risk, including the loss of principal. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of non-financial principles and standards used to evaluate potential investments. The incorporation of ESG principles provides a qualitative assessment that can factor heavily into the security selection process. The investment’s socially responsible focus may limit the investment options available to the investor. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. 

Nathan Munits