We help you put your financial decisions in context.

All too often, numbers on a page feel too disconnected from our day-to-day lives. It’s hard to know what the right decisions are and how to make them. That’s why our team sits at the center of your financial life, helping you coordinate all the details so you feel confident and known.





At Longwave, your future is never left to guesswork. Our financial planning process is a framework to help you better understand your entire financial picture and bring your future into focus.

Together, we illuminate your goals.

We establish a roadmap that lays out specific, actionable steps.

We stress test your portfolio and financial plan for the unpredictable.

We implement your roadmap and monitor progress. Focusing on areas that are within our control enables us to explore investing that aligns with your values.




Longwave follows a simple set of beliefs to effectively build and manage your portfolio. We believe:

Trying to predict the market is futile.

That capitalism works, and the market rewards investors for risk over time.

That a scientific approach to investing can yield superior results.

That passive investment management is superior to active management due to lower costs, diversification, and more reliable outcomes.

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